You wicked hand of death you have snatched our encyclopedia Treacherous hand of death you have again deprived us of a visionary leader, as you did of Ariel Aloysius Akanga. You irrational hand of death you failed in your arithmetics, because you can't take away one from zero and expect a positive answer. Yes you are irrational, unreasonable because at this prime time of his life Ndey Mongwa was unique before Pinyin people in his drive for innovative change. His numerous leadership roles and results are both visible and transforming.
He has contributed immensely to move Pinyin to a different paradigm that surpasses your wickedness. This is to tell you Little Death that his legacy we are inheriting is solid, reach and extensible. Ndey, Pinyin will always remember your works, devotion and commitment to its strives toward development. All good will children of Pinyin will undoubtedly recognize and praise your outstanding achievements for the Clan: The Bible Translation, Founding member of PDO and MITACCUL, Promoter of the acquisition of the Pinyin Clan House in a strategic location of Yaounde, etc. The list is long. Ta'à you have trained and inspired so many; we bid you farewell and pray that the Mighty Lord receive and make you the eternal Ambassador of Pinyin so that from His unique Devine Yard you can continue to guide and unite Pinyin.
Ta'à look out for your brother Ariel Aloysius Akanga.