Tribute to Akamatso Tening Mongwa Akamatso, your departure without a traditional handover has created a vacuum in the Pinyin community. However, we will forever remember that through your works the Pinyin mother tongue has become the Pinyin Language of international standard with ISO Language code 639-3 pny. Through your relentless efforts one can learn how to read, write and speak Pinyin Language in less than 36 hours even not from Pinyin.
Akamatso, you single handedly brought SIL and CABTAL to Pinyin. The relationship earned us the Pinyin Alphabet and the Pinyin New Testament Bible (PNTB) to mention but a few. The PNTB audio version which you normally called Mama’s Bible stands out as the first digital version around. In it one hears your voice when you read John 12:28. Father glorify your name. ‘Then a voice came from heaven, I have glorified it and will glorify it again.” Nde your departure has broken the female camel’s back. The Pinyin Language Committee (PILADEC) which you created has produced many books with the latest being the Pinyin-English Dictionary (in print) which provides the native speaker a reference manual and the non Pinyin speaker access to the Pinyin Language is now an orphan. It is my hope that they come together to continue the wonderful works you have left behind especially the translation of the Old Testament Bible into Pinyin and the vulgarization of the Pinyin Language.
Our developer, with the indelible marks you have left behind, it is our plea to Our Almighty God to receive your gentle soul into His Kingdom. Extend my greetings to Ifo David Tichaa. It’s yours IG Engineer Tichaa. Amen.