Linguist, humble, firm, frank, patriotic, wise, discreet, depository of secrets, ambitious, selfless, father figure, visionary, loving and caring handsome states man Tening Mongwa shall best be remembered by Pinyinians in the field of education and for his very good character. It will be recalled that Ifo Teneng, the great King of Pinyin, himself forcefully enrolled young Teneng William in primary school against the incessant protests of Ma Awa who kept on pleading that she would no longer have a capable child to do house chores. Thus Teneng went through education and education went through him. He was a fore-front runner of the Pinyin Development Organization since its inception. He was both the official and non-official adviser of PDO. He was a development vampire in all the villages in the Pinyin Clan. No Pinyin man cannot boost of enjoying from one of his development projects. In most cases, he worked discreetly, trying not to attract attention and praise and would let the cat out of the bag at the most precise moment.
Pa will be remembered individually and collectively by many Pinyin children for assisting and accessing them to quality and holistic education either by way of counseling, scholarships, payment of school fees, granting of academic prizes, aiding in the employment of many or all of these. His greatest achievement in the area of formal education is in the reading and writing of the Pinyin language, epitomized by the dedication of "Ikane ghu shwue" (the New Testament Bible in Pinyin language) in 2020. Pa Mongwa took proactive and active parts in many infrastructural development projects in the Clan, be them school buildings, church houses and palaces. He is credited with two compounds in Pinyin, the one, at Kongefune and the other, the mansion he erected at Asu’u, close to his intimate friends, for the quiet enjoyment of his last days on earth. The greatest thing a man can do is to put a smile on another’s face. Tening Mongwa was an exemplary gentleman. At young age, he could be invited to sit with the traditional secret corps and give strategic advice or he would seek appearance and make suggestions. His exceptional youthful character, neatness, sound mind and achievements led him to be admired. Initially, he was fondly called "Mikare Ma Aware" but he soon graduated to "Mikare Piyine" (mikare = white man), second after late Ariel Anyam Akanga. Ndei Mongwa received the highest title of Pinyinland, Akamensto, in 2006 during the Ilere dance festival. Akamensto Teneng Mongwa, you were a composite of the truth and a sower of good seeds. You, totally human, like Jesus Christ went about doing good. Some seeds fell on good soil and, forever, you shall be remembered for the good you did. Akamensto, Heaven belongs to you.
By Akamensto Tamungang Executive President, PDO Bda, 070321